Friday, March 2, 2012

17/2/2012 - 29/2/2012

For the first week of the studio  project, Ive been assisting with the editing of the footage as well as the modelling of the stairs. There were many issues with the model of the stairs. This includes several mesh problems becasue I had modelled the steps individually. Thus when I duplicate and merge them together, many problems occur. Its was necessary to model the stairs perfectly because , samson was going to fracture it in houdini. Therefore i ended up modelling the stairs 7 times.  There were several other issues too, like when the model was imported into mudbox, the faces were intersecting with each other, hence I had them triangulated.

Further Into the studio project, the stairs was passed to samson for the golem forming animation. Soon after, I had the animated stairs exported into fbs and textured. There were may issues with the texturing too. First for example, The UVs of the stairs kept moving, even after 5 whole days of textuing it. One of the other issues includes the fact that the stairs cannot be auto-mapped. Even still, There are some parts of the mesh where the UVs are continue to move. The third other problem faced is that the animation of the stairs was not correct. There was a major frame skip in the middle of the animation even though I tested it many times and there were parts where the stairs ahd no shadow at all.

After all the texturing is done, I had the stairs lit in mayausing image based lighting and a directional light for the shadows. I found out that there were many issues with the lighting, for example the overall color did not match the actual one, hence I had the textures of the stairs desaturated and decrease the diffuse for several other textures, to match the color of the acctual stairs.

In addition, I contributed a lot in shot 1 where the stairs break apart and pieces of it form together. I had the scene, matchmoved with about 40+ trackers. Even still, the shot was not matchmoved perfectly and the objects were sliding. But after I tracked several other objects, I maanged to get it done. Soon after, I had the stairs fit the perspective of the scene. there were also many issues with it, firstly , there were many distortions and the stairs were constantly moving out of perspective after a few seconds. Hence I had it animated to fit the scene,

Finally after adding the CG, texturing and lighting, I rendered all the passes and composited them in nuke. I found the the lighting was off after turing off the shadows for the beauty pass. thus I had it color-corrected
there were a total of 5 passes that I composited in. these includes the beauty, diffuse color, shadows matte and several other. I also had a color pass for the wood textures because I realize that the color of the wood was off.

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